A tasting of pride
in every sense

Dating from the 18th century, the Quinta de S. Sebastião estate has as a reference its Portuguese manor house and a centuries-old hermitage. Since time immemorial, stories of pilgrimage and miraculous nature are told about it, in the period prior to 1755.
Inspiring the wine.
Its secrets
and its wisdom

There are many who smell the wine, we prefer to inspire it. Because to inspire is to have time for the aromas to be revealed and recognized. And this well-inspired sense is able to identify more than 1,000 different aromas. Secrets that are released and inspire us to create new wines, full of emotions.

Watching the wine.
Its strength and will
to be born.

There are many who look after the land and the wine, we prefer to watch it. Because watching means to look very hard at all its nuances of color, however subtle they may be. Its light. Its warmth. Its oxidation. Its clearness. Its tears. It means to witness the precious moment of its revelation, identity, personality and character.
Listening to the wine.
Tradition is reborn
in arruda dos vinhos.

There are many who say they hear the wine, we prefer to listen to it. Because listening is about learning its secrets, its revelations, its stages of growth. Listening is knowing its movement in the glass and what a sip sounds like.

Feeling the wine
and the land
where it grows

There are many who handle the vineyard and the wine, we prefer to feel it. Because to feel is to learn how wine grows from the land and from the grapevines. How the grapes develop. Slowly. With soul. With rituals. With meaning.
Enjoying the wine.
Those who know it, like it.

There are many who drink the wine, we prefer to enjoy it. Because enjoying is about having pleasure.
It is about letting the palate and the smell reveal all its flavor, aroma and knowledge of well-kept stories. And about sensations, which in some, are indescribable and inexplicable. But highly cherished.

Our Wines